
الخميس، 28 فبراير 2013 - Top Stories

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Hotel sued over body in water tank
1:20:42 AM
Two former guests are suing the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, where the body of a 21-year-old woman was found last month in a rooftop water tank. For as long as 19 days, the corpse was in one of the hotel's cisterns.

Feds weigh in: Toss ban on same-sex marriage
1:11:27 AM
The administration's move sets up a high-stakes political and constitutional showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court over a fast-evolving and contentious subject.

Manning admits, explains his WikiLeaks
1:08:24 AM
Pfc. Bradley Manning pleaded guilty to 10 charges, but not the most serious one, in what officials say is the largest leak of classified documents in U.S. history.

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