
الأحد، 30 سبتمبر 2012 - Top Stories

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Why debates are good for voters
5:46:11 PM
Presidential candidate debates rarely, if ever, change an election's outcome, but they tend to be good for voters, a specialist in political campaign communication told CNN Sunday.

Charges dropped in Lohan hotel fight
5:43:30 PM
Police dropped assault and harassment charges against a man who Lindsay Lohan said choked her during an argument over cell phone photos early Sunday, a law enforcement official said.

Campaigns dig in ahead of first presidential debate
5:42:16 PM
While both campaigns have been lowering expectations ahead of Wednesday's first presidential debate, two of Mitt Romney's more notable surrogates raised the bar on Sunday, with one predicting Romney will turn the race "upside down."

NFL Week 4: The best photos
5:40:38 PM
NFL Week 4: The best photos

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