
الخميس، 30 أغسطس 2012 - Top Stories

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Bin Laden Books
4:17:06 AM
On Wednesday some media outlets obtained copies of the heavily embargoed book "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen, the pseudonym of one of the Navy SEALs who was part of the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

Obama on Reddit
4:15:40 AM
When President Barack Obama decided to take questions directly over social media he didn't turn to his 28 million Facebook fans, or his 19 million Twitter followers. Instead, he turned to a website called Reddit where popularity is measured, fittingly, in votes.

John Mayer
4:13:14 AM
John Mayer's exes

4:09:59 AM
With military action escalating and the death count rising, world leaders meet again Thursday to discuss ways to provide humanitarian aid in Syria and surrounding nations sheltering refugees.

What we've learned at the convention
4:02:51 AM
On the night Paul Ryan made his debut on the national stage, the GOP focused its attention on undecided voters and on America's influence in the world.

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